My Top 10 List of Survival/ Prepping Items | Canadian Prepper
FAQ What do most preppers forget? Legal documents and identity Legal documents and ID cards are important, but they’re also – Photos of family members (hard copies) This is important in case one of your family members goes…

Eureka USMC Combat Tent 2 Man Review – Scout Prepper
hey guys how’s it running welcome back to the scout prepper Channel now I’m on a hunting now at the same use of national forests about 60 miles north of…

gotenna Grid Down Communications for Preppers! Really?
hello people survival techno it here there’s been a lot of talk about the arrive tenna product being a helpful invention for their existence or incomes parish we’re going to…

After the Collapse:10 Urban Survival Strategies (Part 1) | Canadian Prepper
hi kinfolks Canadian prepper here so in this installment of the after the collapse series we’re going to discuss ten different approaches that you can utilize in order to survive…

Prepping & Survival – Importance of Hunting
FAQ Why is hunting important for survival? Why hunting is an important skill?

The Psychology of Bunker Survival | Canadian Prepper
hi kinfolks Canadian prepper now aims of this video is going to be to discuss subterranean bunkers more specifically to discuss the mental feelings and psychosocial challenges that may well…

After the Collapse: Womens Role After SHTF (Part 2) | Canadian Prepper
now this whole myth of female protagonist ISM that permeates American culture it establishes girls contacting these physical stunts of preeminence that are just not realistically achievable by most girls…

Budget Prepping: 2 Kershaw Speedsafe knives for under $20
would you like to know how to get to kershaw knives for under twenty dollars I’m about to tell you hi kinfolks Howard here for VP prepping and survival and…