After the Collapse:10 Urban Survival Strategies (Part 1) | Canadian Prepper
hi kinfolks Canadian prepper here so in this installment of the after the collapse series we’re going to discuss ten different approaches that you can utilize in order to survive…

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit 2.0 — Bug Out Bag for the Doomsday Prepper | The Walking Dead
FAQ What do you need for a doomsday bag? Basic emergency supplies kit – Water (one liter per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation) – Food (at least a multi-day supply of food) – Battery or…

Zombie Apocalypse Kit Setup v1.0
FAQ How to install zombie apocalypse? What is in a zombie survival kit? zombie survival kit – Water: one liter per person per – Groceries: A minimum three-day supply of non-perishable, easy-to-prepare – Electric – Battery or…

After the Collapse: Womens Role After SHTF (Part 2) | Canadian Prepper
now this whole myth of female protagonist ISM that permeates American culture it establishes girls contacting these physical stunts of preeminence that are just not realistically achievable by most girls…

Budget Prepping: 2 Kershaw Speedsafe knives for under $20
would you like to know how to get to kershaw knives for under twenty dollars I’m about to tell you hi kinfolks Howard here for VP prepping and survival and…

Survival Skills 101: Food Storage, Can the Government Confiscate it in Martial Law?
you it’s me the Rhino survival skills 101 you know I’m a libertarian and libertarianism is hellbent on taking over the world and leaving you the hell alone won’t you…