My survival and prepping library
FAQ What do most preppers forget? Legal documents and identity Legal documents and ID cards are important, but they’re also – Photos of family members (hard copies) This is important in case one of your family members goes…

Survivalist Box : Great way to boost your economic collapse and survival prepping
FAQ How to prepare for recession 2023? Here are some steps you can take to protect your finances from the – Take stock of your financial Many people find the idea of budgeting scary, especially when it can…

Surviving Alone in Alaska
FAQ How do you survive in the wilderness in Alaskan? SEVEN TIPS FOR SURVIVAL IN FROZEN WORKS – Build a snow – Knowing how to stay – Watch for the first signs of frostbite and treat -…

Zombie Apocalypse Kit Setup v1.0
FAQ How to install zombie apocalypse? What is in a zombie survival kit? zombie survival kit – Water: one liter per person per – Groceries: A minimum three-day supply of non-perishable, easy-to-prepare – Electric – Battery or…