I’m Max Joseph and what I’m gonna talkabout right now is your tier1 survival kit. This means what’s on youractual form … if you have to dump your rucksack and drop your secondary tierequipment, you still have this on your body. If I “ve had my” full uniform on, what I wouldhave actually in my pockets in addition to this pouch would be my sheath knife onmy line-up, my handgun stores if I was carrying those, and likewise my map, compass, and flashlight in my pockets … but this would go on my privilege cargo pocket; myMaxpedition mini pocket organizer, and the contents are as follows.We have several indispensables for a suitable Tier1 survival kit: Number one signaling; number two water rendezvou; numeral three food muster; list four shelter making; and the 5 is shoot making.So in this kit right here I haveas follows … number one for my signaling, I have my single mirror and notice howmost of this equipment is all dummy corded in. Same with the gear that’d be on my figure my compass, etc. Those are life help paraphernalium in my opinion so theywould be tied into me with 550 rope or consuming a lanyard that comes with thatpiece of equipment. So this is my signal reflect for signaling. Okay a propermilitary signal reflect has a sight hole now. So how I get this thing oriented isI would deem my hands up and I get the reflection in my off pas where I couldsee that.At that time I would then cowitness my eyeball with my perception and now I havea evident aiming point. I would then move my reflect and hit whatever desiredtarget that I is necessary to reached. My fire originating capability I have both a swisssteel here and I likewise have waterproof lifeboat competitions inside of a crush proof, waterproof metal container. Some of the things I’ve carried in thepast are lifeboat joins, magnesium blocks … this is called a fire steel andthe concept of the shell sword is that on one side of this I have magnesium, on theother side I have a flint rod. I’m gonna remove penalty shavings of my magnesiumblock about the dimensions of the a nickel or dime. At that time I’m gonna turn my baton over, and using my flint baton and my striker implement now, I will generate the sparkswhich will kick off my magnesium and in turn light my kindling.For sanctuary attaining, we’ve got a wire sawhere for chipping appendages and chipping other foliage. Never “re going away” without your5 50 line. Too, I have riggers tape on the outside of this pouch right here, whichis conveniently wrap around a credit card because riggers videotape and 550 cordare the two main importants. Hey there’s an old saying some military that says ifit can’t be fixed with riggers videotape or 550 line, it can’t be fixed at all. Socarrying around your riggers videotape, you have a lot of options here as far astraveling with this stuff. Some people will wrap around their cloak decorate protrudes, some guys will wrap around the manage of their flashlights. I’ve deep-seated this up morefor like traveling overseas where I have it on my carryon bag or on my person, whereI’ve squandered an old credit card or an aged room key from a hotel, and wrap itaround here.This gives me about eight or nine feet of riggers videotape, which comes invery handy sometimes for garment fixings, for do disaster engagement garments ifI needed too, etc etc. But this is a pretty good option as far as carrying thisbecause it renders a nice, skinny chart and I can time carry this thing right in myshirt pocket. With your parachute 550 cord, it’s called that because thetensile strength of this is 550 pounds. We use this for shelter construction, for lash our gear, a multitude of other purposes. If you have one piece of 550 cord, if you act what’s called gutting it, where I take out the internalstrands now. I have seven internal nerve strands and then my outer shell, which gives me actually eight sections of cordage now for whatever it is I needto perform. In here as far as water meet, we’ve got condoms…Needs to be placed inside of a sock to scoop water out ofa stream. They can also be used for waterproofing your cell phone orwaterproofing your radio handset. And then lastly I’ve foil here which can beused for boiling water or cooking small food if you’re propitiou enough to catchanything like that, but hopefully you won’t be out there that long. So in conclusion, I find the Maxpedition Mini Pocket Organizer perfect forcarrying my tier1 pack on my body.You see it contains everything here and itfits comfortably. It lays flat against my pocket. Likewise, the elastic leashes on theinside and the external containers on the outsideallow me to organize all my substance where I know where it is even at night when Ican’t see it. Alright, so expressed appreciation for for watching this short video. My name is MaxJoseph, and stand by for more tips-off here in the future ..
Survival Tips: Tier-1 Kit