hi I’m Mike with the school of self-reliance and today we’re just out in the backyard and I wanted to talk to you a little bit about prepping and survival preparation most people think about survival and they think about prepping the two are different a survivalist and a prepper are two different beasts a survivalist is somebody who can go out and survive with a minimum extent of paraphernalium and they generally prepare with that abstraction in subconsciou of a negligible amount of paraphernalium and go out and survive long term or indefinitely without a whole lot of anything a prepper is a person who believes in stocking the castling burrowing a moat and sheltering in place and that’s preparation maybe they have a bug-out location but it still involves I’ve got a prepped castle and I’m gonna go to the castle I’m going to defend the castling and I’m a living dying the palace a survivalist has a much more mobile philosophy now the two theories can overlap there are people who are survivalist by nature who also prep and there are Preppers who likewise have existence skills and and you know approach it with an overlapping logic but for the most part I find that most people prevent those concepts separate and that’s a real chagrin I personally am more of a survivalist my partner is more of a prepper as a matter of fact she’s nearly chip and dry a prepper and I’m virtually chipped and baked as existence us I would rather you know bug out be mobile be away from everybody you know go on the move survive long-term wilderness or whatever city you appointed it it doesn’t matter to me I’m exceedingly liquid in my strategies for survival my partner is very much of you know she doesn’t want a scratch feline excavation in the timbers to use as a latrine she wants to shelter in place and protect the castling now I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with either one of those ideologies because there really isn’t but both “ve got to be” fluid fairly and both have to be willing to change enough that you can’t overlap your philosophies the other thing that most people fail with with existence or prepping is they fail to prepare to prepare they don’t have the mindset nor do they really thought about it accurately when you’re prepping it seems like a simple answer go out buy a bunch of meat buy a assortment of weapons so on and so forth fortify the homestead when you’re doing existence mentality “theyre saying” well grab a bug-out bag and so on and so forth you know stock it up with renders and and you’re ready to go well that really isn’t the case you need to think about your preps and think about your survival lotions whether you are a prepper or survivalist whether you’re bugging out or sheltering in place bugging in doesn’t matter you need to approach both logics from a right proposition and that premise is that it doesn’t matter what the context is basic human needs do not change okay if you’re in the zombie holocaust a nuclear strike scenario it doesn’t matter statu X whatever it is that motives everything to go to hell in a handbasket the basic human needs don’t change so you need to keep those first in your memory when you’re thinking about either survival or prepping you need to think about those first and those basic human needs are food water fire because flame I’ve got this equal mark here so that you’ll know there’s something different about this burn provides us warmth it provides us a course to deodorize liquid it provides us the ability to cook our nutrient fire also fits into security because it retains us safe it Ward’s off predators and so on mosquitoes and whatnot so menu irrigate fire awning security drug and hygiene no matter what the event is these basic needs will never modify situation to scenario the thing that will change is the order in which these become important it may be at some spot much more important to have shelter than it is to have food if you’re in the high desert or low desert then awning and ocean would make priorities over nutrient at least immediately medical if nobody’s injured and there’s no chances of anybody seriously injured anytime soon it may be lower on the priority list fire in the desert may be lower on the priority list although it gets somewhat damn freezing in the desert at night but the only thing that will change is the order in which you need these things and the path in which you supply them in the with this with security in the zombie cataclysm you may need a walled fortress for the safety you may need a gun for security you may only need ardor as your security attempts the nature that you specify these things is really going to change scenario to scenario and level of importance will change the method you offer them and in what order you furnish them that’s fluid it will change scenario to scenario and most people when they make their preps or they make their survival proposes they actually don’t think this through and they don’t keep these basic concepts in psyche that you will always have to provide for every member of your group these basic needs you’ll have to provide them in a different fad for each different situation and stage of significance will change depending on the scenario now another thing about fervor that that I set that equal mansion hence is not simply does fuel equal like I said sterilized irrigate cooking of menu security it also equals affection when it’s cold outside so that’s yet another key with the with the flaming but under flame you should also start thinking about if you’re in a hot environment you too need the ability to keep cool so regulate your body temperature really is what that should be whether it’s withhold heated or maintaining cool if it’s rainy outside certainly fire is going to help you so whatever preps you induce no matter what you should approach them from this basic premise and think about the order of how you specify these things according to the scenario that you prep for me I don’t like to get hung up on scenarios I are happy to just say scenario X whatever that is I don’t know what it is I don’t care what it is all I know is that there’s not a officer on every angle there’s no ambulances there’s no hospital the grocery store isn’t open and the light-headeds are out and there’s probably under those circumstances bad parties would be interested to do bad things to me and my family so I precisely look at that generalised scenario with any cookings or existence attitude or or strategies that I impel but remaining these things in judgment when you shape your preps when you constitute your existence schedules that’s first of all I actually coach this in my classes I have a general preference class and existence class announced emergency scenarios and this is one of the things that you have to get through your president when you’re making your preps retain these things I don’t care if you have to situated them on a flashcard you are able to commit them to remembering and every action that you take in an emergency scenario should be centered around these things if you’ve got a small group of people and you’re gonna go out scouting for resources you need to be thinking about insurance is it safe to leave the people that are with you you know a small group of them behind while some of you go out to scout is it safer to take the whole group with “youre supposed to” not is the area that you’re leaving them insecure are you risking yourself unnecessarily by going out visualize these things through think of each one of these center degrees whenever you’re making a existence or a prepper schedule and as long as you’ve done that and you remain fluid in your sentiment on how you supply them and in what grade of significance and be be fluid enough to change your thinking according to the scenario you typically be much better off but I predict you if you keep these things in your chief and you always look at them change the order like I said deepen the level of importance and how you supply them but no human context exists on earth that any of these things mutates you will ever need these things you are able to ever need to be able to provide medical care somebody may change an ankle have a mechanical hurt or cut whatever will always need to be able to provide medical care a fever a freezing anything like that will put you down and out of the game a little bit of freezing medication will solve that a little of pre thought and planning learning palatable floras so that when if you’re a survivalist and you’re out in the groves learn the edible embeds learn medicinal floras retain a book with you if you can’t remember them all so that you can provide medical some of those same seeds will help you accommodate hygiene because without cleanlines you’re going to get sick if you crap too close to your clique and don’t comprise it up you’re gonna attract flies those flies are gonna crawl on your meat they’re gonna start you sick if you don’t take a bath if you don’t inhale bathe if you don’t you know cleanse yourself and sea brush your teeth regularly you’re going to get sick you’re gonna get an abscess and the abscess will kill you you know if left untreated long term so you’re thinking about the hygiene your sanctuary you are familiar with I investigate lots of people no dream in it you know I’ll shelter in the members of this house I you are familiar with I’ll build a shelter when I get out there but they never rehearse building a protect they never throw up a basha or bivy sanctuary they don’t own a tent but they say they’ll get one when they need one well that’s that’s not prepping at all the greatest prep that you can have is a planned knowledge that is the greatest survival tool and prep that any human being can have the thing that caused us to climb to the top of the food chain is what’s lake they’ve unearthed right here between our ears the insight that you put into your brain is the thing that will save you most frequently than not as a matter of fact the more you put into your intelligence will save me most frequently than a gun the more you know the better off you are and the less things you need but the more you know the better off you are and more able you are to provide these things because like I said they never modify you always needed here you have to have them so dedicate those things to memory and base all your preps and everything off of them and you’ve got a lot better chances again a Mike school of self-reliance you like what we do watch our videos like us on Facebook share our videos thank you for having watching
How do I start prepping for survival?
The beginner’s checklist for preparation.
– Prepare your home for two weeks of autonomy. Being able to leave the house in an instant (“bug out bag list”). Prepare for emergencies that occur when you are not at home (“take your bags home” and carry them every day). Learn basic survival skills and practice with your squad.
What is the first stage of prepping?
Effective preparation begins with a personal risk assessment to determine what threats you face and where to focus the most of your time and resources. Once you know what you’re packing for, it’s a good idea to focus on the basics of water, food, shelter, fuel, and sanitation.
What should I buy first for prepping?
Prep Checklist for Beginners: The Essentials
– Waterfall. Always keep a supply of water on hand.
– Eat. New trainers shouldn’t start feedings for more than 30 days.
– First aid and personal hygiene. It goes without saying that you should always have a first aid kit on hand.
– shelter.
– Other important things.