hey guys Josh from the redneck homestead path i’m here with Jacob and Billy can’t see Billy but um he’s kind of shy I’m still recuperating from my yeah uphill pig so um as you can tell we’re here at the off-grid cabin and we are like the epitome of preparedness we came up here and we got bathtubs of meat we got everything we need and we’re like let’s reach some coffee we want some coffee and we had one cup one cup what a joke I want how many cups do we have in our cabinets at home and we look through and say we have too many coffee cups and we only have one cup here well I bet you if we took inventory of this place we would find it this neighbourhood though it’s warm and flooded from these components is basically useless in a real survival type scenario yeah I’m drinking out of this thing if you can see it what a joke water water bottle so we’re gonna have an episode of the redneck roundtable right here at the compartment and as we’ve talked about before this idea called the redneck roundtable time a few friends it’s getting around talking about whatever the subject may be we’ll try not to keep it extremely birthing you can turn off the off the tape when you are demand or you are eligible to listen through the whole thing so no I have to listen you have to listen to the whole thing Billy said today I don’t like what you’re saying about preparedness it’s funny I mean you forgot the keys it’s easy to forget things that are real it kind of brings to mind how you need to anticipate that you’re gonna forget something and and have something in place so you don’t have to remember it so you don’t I mean don’t be dependent on think the keys okay accompany our means kind of change because of that and it could have been something even more important you know well think about this though this routine ization that you’re talking about that’s why I’ve relied upon so I don’t forget the keys and lend a mantle to what you just said I always leave the cabin keys with the hovel and everything else there’s the excavator the bulldozer the tractor the shed the room keys whatever all the keys are on a big key doughnut you know right janitor the custodian keyring and they are sitting in the center console my truck they’re there right now right however altered how we were getting up here today why and well that’s why you need some redundancies maybe you could speak about that as a captain with like checklists and redundancies and substance like I imply I think that you should have like a key like obscured someplace where you know it is and whoever else needs to know knows where it is so in case for some reason you can’t get your truck or your someplace else and your wife needs to get up now or whatever at least you know there’s there’s something else in place because it’s easy to is of the view that things are gonna run a certain way and they don’t change your intention and all of a sudden nothing more well truth be told the only reason we had a key to get into the cabin in the first place is because I bought brand-new fastens for basically everything yeah and this happens and delivering the new key with you well what happened was I made wonderful they’re all keyed identically so I put one of the fastenings on one of my trailers and I figured well I’ve got to position a fake of that key on my primary keyring primary my primary so it’s almost incidental where we have all of the accidental oh not even I choose it were incident that regards more incidental and it’s funny like with the fasten picking substance yeah I’ll often accompanying like a little box except that I have Jacobs an expert expert turning them sure I often wreaking like a little lockpick so if we’re going somewhere simply again it’s funny how often you think like you think when are you gonna need a lockpick begin I imply come on and there’s an dozens of eras when I’m like shoot I bid I had yeah it’s not to break in somewhere it’s cuz you really need so I’m gonna I would imagine especially being like school-aged and whatever you come home your parents at home you forgot your key well you merely but you simply repeat break in to some place that you have a legal right today yeah well my my feeling implementations yeah we’ve got a bunch of propane we got lots of wood we have the ability to be here we have a decent amount of nutrient up here some entertainment not much but we don’t have patrolmen to imbibe coffee oh that’s pathetic yeah do you have Forks I have forks and spoons yes nothing oh you just food though so I didn’t astounding like we were saying about what like how differently like I necessitate this happened to me the extremely mild wintertime and it’s not like dangerously cold out I was like there’s a breeze perhaps you remember this time last year oh yeah temperature was zero or less yeah we took that hike before you bought the place it was 10 or 15 below or so I thought that was 2 years ago and that’s where I mean your hand is without a mitt for 30 seconds you can’t do anything yep so I don’t know it’s everything about this whole thing is what I am talking about the hot die me the it announces it voices you know so self-evident but how important it is in cold air is to make sure you have a reliable heat beginning wherever you’re going it’s easy to think like all be fun when you get into someplace and it’s you know 15 or 20 units below zero out you freeze to death very easily it doesn’t take much to get into serious trouble yeah well like we’ve said in the past peculiarly when vehicles and equipment of adhere bad things happen very fast in the coldnes you are well aware and good things very little warning now our truth is we’re not that removed here I represent have the neighbours a mile down the road if you really need to you walk down there and he has electricity fairly sure but not if you’re hurt yeah but it could easily be where you’re somewhere and you know the engine doesn’t start and you have a real problem that’s right shaft I make here we have some good redundancy with heat and countless people who scoff at the anything less than the purist approach to being off-grid will look at a propane heater that’s not off-grid and I agree I tend to have a purist description of off-grid as well no batteries no Solar nothing with an instrument but good-for-nothing you have to refill alike but it’s gonna go on a continuum and it’s all on the continuum and you know what are you preparing for I intend all I’m preparing for is the possibility that nothing projects and the truth is coming up here in daylight today we’re not gonna come here and start chopping lumber and make a fire we’ve been with lumber by the time you get everything now we leave so I represent the truth is this is much easier and it cultivates better almost all the time yeah for now it’s it’s good and like we talked about in the past putting something in like this lets us leave at 8 o’clock at night one nighttime decide to come up you’re not getting now til 11:00 and not have to wait till 2:00 in the morning but what stave to heat heat up dude all hour and less than season lumber yeah so depends on what you’re getting ready for right I symbolize I don’t know what my view has never been not never been but it’s not exclusively that everything is gonna depart permanently bad perhap I want to use this just for fun too yeah yeah you know how we’ve discussed in the past Tao and I’ve had this discussion with other friends how it’s easy to prepare for the most extreme situation whether it’s a physical situation or even a financial situation or whatever where you’re into one thing that’s so far in the into the extreme but hitherto you’re unprepared for everything that all the interim steps that might come before that right like parties are so invested in shorting a capital and then have a look at the upside or they’re so invested in real estate and whatever yeah whatever I convey there’s a play out there’s whether its financial or anything else you could be prepared for the end of the world but over about the 10 years it took to get to the point where nothing pieces hmm you know and it’s easy to miss a lot of opportunities that you should be taking advantage of well not that any of us or anyone watching has only one real penetration as to what could almost happen what do you guys think is likely to be on the horizon for the next say 3 to 5 years between now and 3 to 5 years yeah I convey I fantasize merely the economy is gonna get worse and worse but isn’t it upturn right now I represent the unemployment report State of the Union it’s all great it’s all fabric and what I convey yeah I don’t I don’t I can’t really envision something happening as you are well aware a single huge event like some some nuclear bomb or something like that where you know you wake up one morning enough acts and you’re driving up here I don’t think Jake is to think about her I think about like for me a great deal of it has to do with I think in many ways and under numerous scenarios the fruition of of where all of a sudden you’re in where live mutates when you have no electricity that’s when lifetime conversions dramatically and whether it’s a monetary thing or a crusade or you know you know the bomb is quitted type of things you want to talk about briefly where reference is didn’t have well that’s what I was gonna say scene we were in New Jersey a few years ago with hurricane whatever was that what it was whatever there was like three hurricanes in a row that affect us then and “were just” that without capability at one point for 11 eras straight yeah and it was like it was I means that we are kind of changed the handiwork the condition wasn’t an issue was at the one time it was like where you didn’t need heat you didn’t either Erica it was like fine in terms of that so it wasn’t that big of a consider and literally a couple miles out the supermarket’s work the service station were going to everything was yeah there was not concern about crime and our neighbors could crawl into our windows or anything there was no concern about that like I said there were no real brave issues or anything and even at that we were without electricity for 11 periods and it’s amazing how everything we were in a house we’re in a regular live but nothing acted you know well I have a friend I’m actually he’s been in one of our earlier videos Richard he has two hundred and some-odd year old-time residence like excavation and where reference is bought it it was in a same mode at no heating system and etc etc he situated a monster a wood stove in the basement and that was last year acts on winter when it was like negative ten twenty thirty all winter he but that single wood stove deterred his home at sixty measures and that’s pretty cool to consider that all he needs yeah is grove and he’s in reasonably common the electricity is really that’s really when you understand how dependent we are on this system and but in the same way it’s pretty easy to live without electricity if you’re prepared for yeah I imply I go to a summer camp for two weeks every year and actually this past summer I was there for two months and I’m gonna be working there this summer we don’t have any electricity and you know it’s not like we’re all running around not knowing what to do it’s very but everything is D’Mello yeah everything is completely circling surrounded by groves and we know that there’s no electricity and everything works well that’s why when people say like oh you know an EMP you know my electromagnetic pulsate will make and we’re gonna get we’re gonna get put back into the eighteen hundred’s no you’re not because in the 1800 s their lives will develop migrated no energy right whereas now we’re dependent on electrodes that’s that’s the wrong analogy actually it’s like the is the 1950 s when they started to really is dependent upon things but they didn’t have the technology that we have no it’s gonna be it’s a totally different thing and people don’t realize how incredibly dependent we weren’t for everything is that well it’s all I don’t need mummy you are well aware I don’t have a well I have public sea well how do you think the what against yeah that’s right at some site there’s a shoot someplace that’s right pumps powered by diesel which comes trucked in where by a truck that shot it into the truck everything is dependent yeah it’s all dependent and we’re all two facets and interdependent well I mean to give you an example the public utility company came around they’ve got these brand-new meters going in it probably happened to your house and Julie announces me up and she goes there’s some artillery in her front ground he’s changing out our meters our influence just set off like laundry “thats really not” a smarmy tourism it’s a smart-alecky know it is and so we have four meters at the house and he got through two of them and Julie announced me you know panicking like why is the power out it said it’s a chap in our garden so I send him on the phone I instantly knocked the guy off the owned in the middle trespassing so you remotely kicked him on the remote control anyways I had a few questions for the person you know what’s the lot what frequency does this transmit who’s paying for what kind of manager passes oh by the way I want to get well we will segue into that subject Jacob took the both of the ham the advanced ham quizs with me he’s the one who my exam with in fact funny story how this all played out Jacob and Billie had come over they just stop by and ratify me the driveway or something and I said hey look what are you doing this won’t take in the canal exam this is felt like a Thursday yeah I’m like Jacob you want to coach us the second level the second level yeah and I said hey Jacob we want to take it he goes what was this this was like Thursday nighttime or something and I was like get serious you’ve been studying Fritz for two weeks and I’m just gonna jump in and say good yep and he took it and got a hundred percentage on it yeah that was crazy that was pretty impressive and then we got the extra yeah so Jacob is one of the younger I would imagine people that has as a evolve added I’m sure there are young people all over the place but it’s highly unusual it’s probably like I would say it’s less than 1% I speculation I know parties are late under 18 all I know is that I have a decent foundation in the social sciences and physics and math and electromagnetics and time understanding and I can say it was difficult yeah and I’m in you know school knows where I’m used to studying the small amount that I do and I’m saying are these public academy mundo that’s true you’re actually feeding back into the system you’re probably learning regardles so yeah I just thought that I’d give that shoutout to Jacob now and you got a new call sign – I did k3 APB so good oh yeah so back to the thing so I wanted to know a little bit about the smart-alecky rhythm thing and the guy had absolutely no hypothesi what the he time following he was just following lineups exactly doing what his boss has said he’s just being a yes sir man and so a few days later the public utility company refers me a character oh we just want you to know everything will be okay they don’t answer any of my questions it’s a standard form letter to people who are objecting to this don’t worry about don’t worry about that so just yesterday I might have even been on the phone with you I had to get off the telephone with somebody and there was two chaps there is indeed two guys stand in the breast ground and I’m looking at the window I’m supporting my little two 2 month age-old and I look at the person like what are you doing here like what are you doing in my protect who are you so he comes around at the door I disappear got something I can assist you in out with yeah and he goes well we’re here to change out the other two rhythms like actually you’re really not here to change out you might think you’re here it turns out I perceived the only two nice guys work for the utility companionship and they’re really cool guys and they one was like a senior administrator that had been with the company for 43 times they know more about you everything I said what free to transmit no and he goes oh 32.5 and i said ok and you know what’s the transmission dominance and does the smart meter sleep or does it give on an delay you know it sleeps and we wake it up and that’s an upper sideband lower line-up more atypical communications he’s had with home owners everything I would imagine but I intend I think that anybody who’s getting one of these types of things involuntarily propagandized on them like this should have the answers that they that they to the issue they have yeah but I did was the stage of the whole story was that Julie was without electricity for literally three to five minutes at “the worlds largest” in like her entire world came apart not because she can’t hold living without it it’s cuz she had a load of laundry travelling and she had the dishwasher becoming and to me I would much favor being in this bum no cabin right here it all comes down to the whole abstraction of being relative or independent of things we’re very exceedingly dependent on electricity and how its how it’s extradited and everything else and it’s in its I necessitate I know people who work for different practicalities and they say that a lot of this substance is hanging by a thread it’s extremely vulnerable I necessitate how with the cell phone system in the communication system everything is very terribly – well is it prone or is it most verified I make I I don’t know that it undermines it down on its own very often where it breaks down in the restrained intentional fashion well I do know that after again if it doesn’t eternally can write be it can be use that after those hurricanes in New Jersey where we were four months they just had trash you know rigged up however they required with lassoes tied to dials runways and things looks just like you remember the Boston bombing and of course 9/11 trying to make a phone call yeah I was gonna say that you were saying about the self-service I was in DC with literally hundreds of thousands actually over a million other parties at some whatever demonstration rally something like that and we got off the buses of whatever and no one cell phones were I mean they clearly Jam the signal clasp whatever they did nobody can communicate within a certain area they they whoever was the police the government the whoever the capitol police I don’t know whoever is in control of it through the co-operative phone company they acquired sure that nobody can communicate in that group that’s that was you know well then a square mile where security how is that for a refuge first so you know terrorists can’t communicate and punch trash up I guess that’s what they might say I want why would they do I mean we were or more likely it’s because they don’t want parties coordinating any sort of yeah don’t say go against what they want to do well interestingly some people said you know without getting too far into what we should do as we’re walking to the Capitol we should mostly do an about-face and chief the other way and go to the White House and the reality is if nobody can communicate with their cell phones and would have been extremely different called to coordinate and unless they have ham radios that’s right but so I entail it’s interesting you’re saying about the cell phones that you’re saying you know is it that the service stinks and that there’s problems with it I think what Jacob said indicates that there are a lot of is just worn out busted up trash and they’re trying to save money the utilities and I’m sure that the phone companies do the same thing with you know crappy equipment and everything else yeah right but on airports but on the other hand we know that they could cut it off as they see fit or whether it’s communications or energy and that gets the communications gets back to why we really all started with the ham radio stuff i imply josh has been you know you’ve made up for lost hour with this but I convey Jacob and I were involved with this five or six years ago we didn’t really travel very far with it but we do recognize that yeah we knew that there were that there was any that we had a lot of vulnerability with potentially not being able to communicate through the normal channels the ability to be able to set up a complicated and pervasive communication network with no infrastructure is extremely appeal your own infrastructure your own control you literally take your radio prostrate it in a knapsack take a slingshot with a cable carbohydrate urk it up to the Train yeah I’m it’s really remarkable to consider that you can communicate near length and far distance with next to no endeavor and there’s no dominance and of course it’s not off-grid purist because it involves patterning but you know the fact still remains that moving sea can spin a waterwheel we do a micro hydro situation to charge a capacitor even that would you know pass your radio long enough to get a SOS oh well I recollect the main point about all this is you need to rethink what you needed and how you get yeah I mean you’re not gonna be up here and think alright I just wanted to take this morning in that shower every morning right not gonna happen although it can I want there are ways to would you agree that generally speaking of the D and it probably is a lesson for life aside from the whole prepping aspect of things that we should become less dependent on I approximates less dependent on more things or whatever you know I do we should just be less dependent I believe we should collect good speaking exclusively the word that you use prepping implies that one is not prepared I think we just practice we should be very parents they should be living in less in the less relative position actually yeah and then when whatever it is happens happens we’re gonna be in a position where when we’re not that we’re not gonna notice of course but it’s not we’re not gonna have to scurry around and mutate everything because we’re going to be living like that that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to totally move off-grid at this phase no wrong yeah I mean you should be able to flip the substitution between your elevation of higher dependence and no addiction relatively easily yeah I’m not there I love you guys well it’s kind of like the bow between you know practical and solace and dependency yeah and at some degree you need to give up one or the other right and what this top I certainly enjoy being able to go up to my thermostat and turning it might have an exam yeah yeah actually the system is pretty well under control yeah cross my fingers but I I actually experience being able to go and really press a button and return the dial yeah in the apartment were becoming increasingly cozy I’d like be able to open the shower valve in hot water exactly spews out forever how often is it’s interesting that you bring in these type of examples of but how many conversations have we had about now yours or mine it doesn’t matter everybody can participate in this conversation the hots not working right the air conditionings not working right the dishwashers ended again I make these things are like they’re they’re not that dependable you know and they seem less dependable now than ever you are well aware and it’s like alright so you have a dishwasher but it’s like I mean I know our Brandon we’re always having problems linked to us dishwashers 2530 years or what dish was contraptions nowadays generally I’m replacing them every 3 40 years right yeah but in general it seems like if we were living a simpler life more generally I don’t I imply I don’t really I don’t know if all the technology and all the what we consider you know trappings of modernity are genuinely I don’t know if it’s a good thing in many ways you are well aware I intend I’m not I make I regard things that I like cars and motorcycles and all kinds of stuff like in a lot of ways this trash is it’s there’s too much complication I entail how much aggravation of you I need your cell phone each time we have a conversation it’s a problem it is you know get your boy one thing we were talking about because when we would I believe before we were on the breeze so to speak we’re talking about what type of things we are to be able do if we first came to the cabin and you know they weren’t going back home yeah so to speak it’s like our what’s the first thing you do and we were talking about you were talking about eating and getting grove together and like that kind of stuff but one thing we didn’t mention was let’s assume something plainly if you’re here because you have to be here then something happened out there and the first thing you’re going to want to do is know what’s going on in some way you’re gonna whether it’s because a friend your family or simply or more generally how to programme your next move and how to adjust the things you’re gonna want communication I mean that’s the first objective thinking how often it is that you know something happens it’s like the power sees out what’s the first thing you do normal circumstances oh you pick up the phone you call the power company going on no previously the strength coming back on invariably the answer is I don’t know we don’t know we’re like we’re done there we’re working on they never say all that don’t worry beyond in 20 minutes as far as I’m concerned no answer is it’s not coming back home hole how about I symbolize even this is kind of a mysterious sample we called the internet provider because something was going on with it where the internet wasn’t working properly we discontinued up being basically on hold for a half hour before we hung up no one no one knows how to fix this well even when you call the power come you terminated up coming a recording right that tells you nothing that’s right if this is a medical emergency hang up and dial nine-one-one all right well so but to your point that your parties are going to want information I make I “d rather” have crowd-sourced intelligence information that came from real grey on the street immediate source I don’t know filtered down through everybody is compile your own cha cha den and you get different sources and you resolve whatever independent of one another and what their informant was or whatever as much as you can instead of lay on the television and have him whatever fasten who’s getting paid by the guy who probably begin around begins with and telling you what you should do let’s face it there’s always a great deal of truth that run through a lot of rumors yeah a single rumor source isn’t very reliable but ten rumors that are saying the same thing are pretty allayed the sources are not the same that’s exactly so I mean that’s amateur radio right there and it dishes so many different I represent like I said during my last amateur radio video I feel like it’s a lot of merriment that are actually enjoy it but yeah the practical significance is extremely high you know it’s amazing to think like more on the topic of communications and stuff like to think of how we got our message even if you were pretty boosted like twenty years ago I necessitate there’s mostly no internet message right “ve been thinking about” like now I make like Jake when I haven’t had television and our family I was in a television in like ten or twelve years or whatever you know we don’t miss it and we’re about five years so you know and it’s like and we didn’t do it for any kind of like curious conclude this was I went tired of paying for it I came tired of life having shitty service and crappy programs and it wasn’t like this like cable cutter cult it was just no not at all this is a waste of time it’s a waste of fund but and then Ellie Marley the internet made its place and it’s like it’s scary to think of the idea of not having access to information that’s got that you acquire from various sources right and getting back to where you put on one of the three or four structures and then that’s even before cable “where theyre” basically there were at work today all told you the same thing one shade of the same it’s just it’s just amazing to think you know in some way we were critical of the information we get now and more like oh if it were X extent of years ago the media was different well there was no alternative realize right what was the alternative some newspaper with some editorial programme that you thought was good and right you get the stuff when it’s three weeks after it happens right it’s meaningless well I consider also it gets to the point where you don’t you don’t care what’s going on around you you know if you’re doing your own thing here and you’re not be impacted by it you know what do you need to know you know it’s really not too much if you know what’s his name down wall street radios you listen people mergency chaps and trucks are I don’t recognize and they’re driving up your street yeah that’s important but if some chap in Florida is telling you something I want how important is it really well and that generates us right squarely on to the point of do we really need to consume all this media I entail not to be cold or insensitive but if some murder happened in in the Middle East or in Africa does that directly change us anyway Josh belief I was just thinking of what you said before you said I was thinking of this lesson of Jake but I discussed a while ago and it’s and it resonates certainly coarse but I think that if parties are honest they will agree with this well we were saying that I make literally if our puppy died it’s gonna have more result on “peoples lives” than if a million people went wiped out wherever it is that’s right and it’s not like we don’t care about parties and we have and certainly our values are in line with caring about what is happening in other beings but the reality is my day is gonna be affected a lot more if something happens to my pup then if something happens four million people and whatever even in our own country with it’s really scary I imply it’s the truth but Duke the question is the invalidate question do we need to consume all this flesh no no what is it doing for us is it reforming the road we live is it altering the highway that we treat our neighbor is it modifying anything about as well is it is it altering a decision that we might represent that might have an effect I don’t know well I share the most recent example of watching you know the the Trump event versus the debate and the democratic debate the week before and we just got so sick of the whole thing we stopped it early and we adored all of it and I necessitate it was just those are people who we should be agreeing with and who a great deal of the time we do agree or differ yeah exactly where we have feelings about what they’re saying it’s obviously super important on a big scale and we were just so sick of the route it was being presented and the nature it was being handled that we just couldn’t watch it anymore right so well I want my feeling is that having all this consensus media to deplete and all this news the things that are going off in faraway targets all it’s doing is desensitizing us I symbolize it’s what does it do to gave these graphic images or to even form this image in our own spirits of these people being massacred or this device travelling off in whatever municipality yeah what benefit more “ve been thinking about” it there could be a benefit whether it’s to us either directly or to other beings which we would say has some quality if we investigated that X was happening wherever and then we go through the canals at us is employed ostensibly set up to affect things we would work through those directs and whatever happened wherever it is gets affected by our so-called presidents then you were able to say that there’s a significance in having that information but the reality is to a large extent if we go through those canals we’re not change anything that I don’t what they’re doing is they’re playing on our fears and then the people that can make a difference aren’t yeah well they’re playing on our suspicions deriving a reaction and then the reaction doesn’t come to anything it’s priceless I represent because I like to a large extent the same people whom we’re in pleading to do something about whatever it is we’re part of the group that justification whatever it is and we’re so so naive sometimes the thing well if they only can say stupid you know the idea that well they’re gonna choru they’re the ones who did it well I imply the example of a patrolman shooting someone unfairly then we go complain to the judicial system about it and they just all they do is protect their there on the other and my background is such that I’ve been involved with this on on this kind of level but the idea that there’s a police shooting and excerpt Internal Affairs manages such investigations I make it chimes ok but if they’re but if there’s not something that
Redneck Roundtable – On prepping, survival, and heading off-grid