hi i’m mike with school of self-reliance this is a continuation of our existence and prepping streaks this one’s kind of a short one what I want to talk to you about today is just something I call the rule of four and the rule of seven now there’s a lot of people who have written bibles and material on this very subject and the rule of four and i’m going to read it to you the course it appears in my existence manual in emergency situations when the beacons are out when there is no food in almost no clean water when there is no cop on the reces when there is nothing 911 when there is no information about what is going on when there is no light at the end of the tunnel in four eras your neighbors become dangerous parties I want to talk to you about that I want you to think this through if you’re prepping and scheduling and you’re a survivalist or what have you and you you have the ability to provide for your children that’s great but I want you to think it through your neighbor doesn’t even though he’s a nice guy that you you know you talked to him you have a beer with him in the night put yourself in his shoes if he has no clean water the only irrigate for his crying baby to booze you know a child that hasn’t had a simple water in two or three days the only water in his house it is the the contaminated sea in the toilet that they’ve been urinating in if you were in that situation what would you do to get clean water for their own children if your child hadn’t eaten for a couple of days what would you do to get menu for that child your neighbors are no different than you so whatever unpleasant answer you just came up with apply it to your neighbors your neighbors are generally nice parties but in their homes they only have about three days worth of food at most that’s the average for most Americans so think it through they’ve only got three days worth of nutrient over there when that menu runs out the morning of the fourth daylight they’re getting up hungry they’re nasty they haven’t made baths they’re disagreeable what kind of people are they going to be on day 4 by the end a date for going to be very different than the friendly neighbors that you’re nor your normally used to seeing and having a beer with or cutting the grass next door to you you know they’re not going to be the same beings the principles of the rule of 7 is another rule that’s been well written about and it leads along with the rule of four and i’m going to read it to you the route it’s written in my existence manual that we teaching in classes rule of seven by era seven in an emergency with all the conditions of rule for having been met your neighbors become gunmen i don’t mean that you for mystically i don’t mean it that way at all your neighbors literally become gunmen because by daytime seven they’re out of meat they’re out of clean-living spray they don’t have any sun at the end of the passage they don’t know when this is going to end but they are hungry their children are hungry they’re thirsty there is a requirement to things they’ve needed them for epoches most people will do a great deal when their tummy starts to argue with them they’ll do a lot more when it’s the tummy of “their childrens” they’re there you know their child’s empty belly saying with them and the safety of their kid what if that kid is sick you know by now maybe that child needs medical care perhaps you have antibiotics that they need by epoch seven your neighbors have either already determined the decision to kill to get what they need or they have already done some don’t deceive yourself with this it’s absolutely true and you’ll disregard this at your own peril I am as serious as a heart attack on this subject rural way you know bye-bye day for your neighbors become risky by date 7 they become assassins either they’ve already done it or they plan to do it and if you’re their neighbour and they know you have stuff you probably plan on doing it to you so remember some operational security rights in your planning keep your prep secret parties don’t need to know what you’re lay back beings don’t need to know that you have things they don’t need to know that that have already been pistols food medical quantities they don’t need to know you need to know the people that exist in your clique need to know your neighbors don’t the other people in city don’t need to know you preserve that confidential and it’ll obstruct you safe pattern a lot of operational security on your planning your prepping and any of your survival substance when you’re moving through areas in a existence statu don’t broadcast what you have d gray being when you’re in the timbers you’d be invisible you you don’t let parties see you don’t show people that you satisfy along the way the things you have in your multitude you know i’m not saying to be aggressive to them i’m not saying that saying avoid them you know when you deal with other beings gape only spade don’t don’t look like you have things that they crave and if you do store if you do have to then show a strong posture that concludes them not want to try to take from you that it’s less be more trouble than what it’s worth but that’s a word on operational security and on the rule of four and seven don’t forget those rules again i’m mike from the school of self-reliance if you like what we do like us on facebook watch our video share our videos thanks for watching